Dácil is 15!

29 01 2023

An unusual celebration this year, as her birthday was on a Sunday, and precisely the Sunday she was in Madrid, and not home.

So we decided she could have two birthdays. Why not!! In Madrid they sang to her and she had cake, so there was definitely lots of birthday spirit!

And there is just 1 thing better than a birthday celebration: 2 birthday celebrations!

So I baked a spongy cheese cake this morning, and we sang and had cake and gave her a doll which emits very weird sounds at completely random moments. The box states that the sounds should resemble kisses… anyway, the doll must definitely suffer from some kind of gastric anomaly…

Dácil was home for Christmas

13 01 2023

17 Days of holiday joy at home! She spent a lot of time with Ama, as both Jorge and I worked, but we thoroughly enjoyed our time together with the whole family.

We took walks. To the beach, to town, to the supermarket…

We finally updated the Sibling Pic, had it framed and gave it to Ama for Reyes:

We went to the beach several times, and we swam in the ocean

We visited Bea, her sister from another mother

We went to see the Three Kings parade

And we did a lot of relaxing

One big relief: she loved being home, and she loved going back to school.

What we watched in 2022

9 01 2023

Lots of films. A few documentaries. A number of series.

Big surprises and recommendations:

“Get Back”, Peter Jackson docu with precious Beatles material.

Anything by Damián Szifron, especially “Los Simuladores”.

The Kominsky Method.

Looking forward to a new cinematic year!!


1 01 2023

We’re all still here! Standing strong! Healthy. Happy. Together.

Geez, it sounds like lyrics to a really bad 90’s pop song by a long forgotten scandinavian band…

Jump into the new year folks! Like you mean it!